Data privacy agreement

The safety and protection of your personal data are an important concern for us. In this privacy policy, we will inform you about the type, scope and purposes of the collection and use of your data in this app.

We conduct our app activities in accordance with the relevant legal framework, particularly in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the laws on data and privacy protection as stated in the Telecommunications and Telemedia Data Protection Act (TTDSG).

I. Controller and Data Protection Officer

Name and address of the Controller

The Controller for data processing is: 

The City of Leipzig
Der Oberbürgermeister (The Mayor)
Martin-Luther-Ring 4-6
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 (0)341 123-0

Contact information for the Data Protection Officer

Datenschutzbeauftragter (Data Protection Officer)
Burgplatz 1
04109 Leipzig

Phone: 0341 123-2247

II. App functions, scope and legal bases for data processing

a) Data processing when downloading the app

You can use the app without having to register with us or provide any kind of personal information. However, you are required to register for the app store of the respective provider according to their terms (Google LLC, Mountain View, USA or Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop CA 95014 Cupertino, California).

b) Data processing when using the app

Unless otherwise specified here, the processing of personal data is not required to use the Leipziger Notenspuren app. As a general rule, we process only data that is absolutely necessary to provide the telemedia service that you explicitly requested. This involves:

  • IP address
  • Name of required resources and/or activity as well as
    • Transmitted input data
    • Operating system used
    • Timestamp of visit
    • Language configuration used
  • Entry to an audio station
    • Interactions with the audio player (changing the track, pausing)
    • How long a track was listened to (finishing a track)
    • Usage of features such as
      • Help
      • Tutorial
      • Author page
      • Feedback
      • Rate app
      • Favourites (which walk)
      • Download (which walk)
  • The following information is tracked during all events:
    • Event type (see previous list)
      • Time (timestamp in milliseconds)
      • IP address used (in anonymised form)
      • Operating system used
      • Language

If you allow the app to access location data, then it will be used to display your current position and provide information on your selected place of interest and/or tour. Location data is processed only on your device and is not stored. This excludes the Mapbox map system (see below). You may revoke permission to access location data at any time. Without permission to access your location, the Leipziger Notenspuren app can be used with the following restrictions:

  • Soundwalks do not work. There will be no audio playback when entering an audio station.
  • The overview map and maps of individual walks cannot display your position.

Your data is processed on the basis of § 25 Telecommunications and Telemedia Data Protection Act (TTDSG) as well as Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter e of the GDPR together with § 2 Paragraph 1 of the Saxon Municipal Code (SächsGemO), § 2 Paragraph 1 of the Saxon Cultural Areas Act (SächsKRG) and § 3 of the Saxon Data Protection Execution Act (SächsDSDG). Location data shall be processed based on Article 6 Para. 1 Letter a GDPR.

The aforementioned data is also statistically evaluated in anonymised form in order to provide a customer-oriented service.

Recording and processing of personal data

This app uses “Matomo” (formerly “PIWIK”) for statistical evaluation. This is an open-source web analysis tool. Matomo is not used to send any data to servers that we do not control. Matomo is deactivated whenever you use our app. Your usage behaviour is anonymously recorded only if you actively give your consent.

Matomo uses what are known as cookies. These are text files which are stored on your mobile device and make it possible for us to analyse app usage. For this, usage information obtained by the cookie is transferred to a server belonging to the City of Leipzig and stored there so that user behaviour can be analysed. Your IP address is immediately anonymised so that you as a user remain anonymous. The app usage information created by the cookie is not passed on to third parties.

We regard this analysis to be part of our app services. We wish to use this information to continue to improve the app and tailor it even more to the needs of users.

The option of objection and elimination

Cookies are saved on the user’s mobile device and sent to our page from there. As such, you as the user also have full control over how cookies are used. You may deactivate or limit the transfer of cookies by changing the settings on your mobile device. Cookies that are already saved may be erased at any time. This can also be done automatically. If cookies for our app are deactivated, then you may no longer be able to use all of the app’s functions to their full extent.

More information regarding the Matomo software’s privacy settings can be found under the following link:

III. Using Mapbox 

Upon granting permission, this app will use MapBox, a map service from Mapbox Inc., 740 15th St NW, Washington, DC 20005, USA. Using Mapbox’s functions may send information about this app’s usage, including your IP address and location data, to Mapbox. If you open a page in the app that contains Mapbox maps, your browser establishes a direct connection to Mapbox’s servers. The map contents are sent directly to your device and included in the app by Mapbox.

Mapbox maps are used to attractively present our online services and make it easy to find the locations that we specify in the app.

You can find more information on how Mapbox handles user data in Mapbox’s privacy policy:

IV. Data processing when opening linked content

The Leipziger Notenspuren app may contain links to external content. Whenever you open them, your IP address and information on the operating system as well as the linking resources are sent to the respective service. We have no control over the extent to which the service providers may collect and evaluate data for their own purposes. The purpose and scope of data collection and the further processing by the service provider and the use of the data by the same as well as your rights in this regard and setting options for the protection of your privacy can be found in the data protection information of the providers.

V. Rights of the data subject

According to articles 15 to 18, 20, and 21 of the GDPR, you have the rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability and objection.

If the processing of personal data is based on consent, the data subject may revoke it at any time with effect for the future. The legality of the data processing that has taken place based on your consent and up to the time of revocation shall not be affected by the revocation.

If you are of the opinion that the processing infringes on data protection laws, you may file a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority. In the Free State of Saxony:

Die Sächsische Datenschutzbeauftragte (The Saxon Data Protection Officer)
Postfach 110132
01330 Dresden

Phone: 0351/854 711 01

As of, 21.09.2022